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LIMB; Kyle Hagerty



Urban Farmer, Sacramento, CA

Kyle Hagerty has a strong passion for food and the outdoors. Inspired by Sacramento’s farm-to-fork movement, he created an urban farm - East Sac Farms, where he connects to his community through a donation-based farm stand and the digital world through @urbanfarmstead.



Kyle is a professional firefighter by trade but loves to share what he learns about seasonal food, reducing waste, gardening and building community.

“Growing up my mom always had a big garden in her backyard and I loved helping her out… eventually we moved to this house and there was a blank slate in the backyard so we could design and plant and build whatever we wanted and that’s when we created our urban farm”

“We host a donation-based farm stand in our front yard where neighbors come and bring their excess fruit and vegetables to share… we have our fruit and vegetables as well as eggs from our chickens and plant starts”

The Original 500 Series

The 500 series is a universal boot that straddles dusty terrains and concrete jungles with ease. It pairs well with jeans and work shorts as it does with skirts and pants. Crafted from premium leather, for a smooth, seamless finish, it looks great, wears better and goes everywhere life takes you.